Thursday, May 8, 2014

Blood Magic: Just Do It??

Tonight, I witnessed someone do something really stupid.
Things are not always what they seem. 
Or, they are exactly what they seem and people are too high on the feeling of power or excitement to give a crap. 
Funny how people spend years reading 101 books before practicing regularly, but when it comes to darker variations, they jump right in. Am I the only one who notices this? 
Maybe there is a tradition or teacher who recommends making blood offerings and petitions to entities you have only had one contact with, but it is something I would never do personally. Not without establishing a relationship first. 
 I get that everyone in the past 5 years has jumped on the hoodoo, LHP and "trad craft" bandwagons. I can even see how some people may feel more empowered and willing to take risks with those types of practices. Am I being a magical prude or a wise Witch? 
Even if you are intuitive and feel it's the right thing to do, it doesn't mean that the spirit isn't making you feel that way so you do what they want. Maybe I've just read one too many trickster tales??

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


This is the future home of Cauldron and Crow Radio. Stay tuned, our first episode should be up by the end of June!